Virtual Readout
Are you ready for "Readout"?
In academic institutions, a radiologist in training interprets a case and “reads it out” with a special radiology teacher or “attending.”
The attending is a more experienced board-certified radiologist capable of pointing out missed findings, correcting over-diagnosis, teaching critical thinking, and much more.
We developed “Virtual Readout” to teach you reliable, high-quality education on every single case.

Real Cases
Practice cases teach you radiology through real clinical scenarios. Cases are carefully selected to illustrate specific teaching points and to foster specific skill development. Each case has its own story to tell and its particular wisdom to share.
We use DICOMĀ®. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is the international standard used to store, transmit, retrieve, process, and display medical images. Manipulating DICOM images in a DICOM viewer is essential to learning and practicing diagnostic radiology. A radiology education experience is simply incomplete without it.
iRad is a real PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) with a robust DICOM viewer. Use iRad to open cases, view and manipulate DICOM images, pull prior exams for comparison, and read real radiology reports.